
Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Southern Coupon Junkies!

I'm back! And if you look around the blog you may notice a couple of changes. For one, no more pink! Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE the color pink, but I'm really working on trying to get this blog to look good and let's be honest here, that was too much a lot of pink! Another change is that my sister, Kayla Goble, will now be posting her deals, tips and recipes too! I'm really excited about this! I tried to get her to coupon with me over a year ago and she just couldn't seem to get the hang of it. She actually lives nearly 2 hours away from me which makes me so sad because nobody needs to be that far from their sister/best friend! I try to go visit her as often as possible though! (sweet sister award goes to me!)
Anyways, she doesnt have a Publix (gasp!) or a Kroger (don't pass out on me please!) or anywhere really that she can shop at and use coupons and it really be worth her time and energy. That's the main reason why it took me so long to get her to coupon. I drive approximately 30 minutes every Wednesday to my Publix which is not that bad when you consider how much I save on groceries. PLUS, I'd rather drive 30 minutes once a week to Publix for all my groceries than drive 10 minutes to Walmart several times a week for items I forgot because I, along with my sister, meal plan now and we only shop what's on sale at Publix. Who's with me!!!?? One day, coupons just clicked for her though. Seriously she went from not knowing much of anything about couponing to saving as much as me in 3 weeks! And I started couponing over a year ago! She drives over an hour to get to her Publix once a week! If that's not dedication then I don't know what is! She learned that her savings was worth the gas she used to get there though and she is now lowering her monthly grocery budget and not having to shop at Walmart! It amazes me at how many items we can get that are name brand for wayyyy cheaper than we could at Walmart if we bought the great value brand and I love that!
You will probably notice a few more changes because we're still working on our blog so it will be easy to use and you can hopefully find the answers to any coupon questions you may have. We hope to start a recipe series also, but I don't know when that will be. We just want to share with others what we have learned because coupons have been a blessing to both of us and we feel it can be a blessing to others too! It's free money and it feels so good to hold a huge stack of coupons because that's the money your using to pay for most of your groceries!  
I hope you enjoy our deals we post and I hope anybody that comes to this blog eager to learn about couponing will learn something from what we have to say.
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read this!

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