
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mailbox Freebies

I'm a little behind on posting my mailbox freebies, but here's what I got in the mail the last three days!

Tuesday July 19, 2011

Finally got my Pandora Bracelet that i've been waiting on! I got this for filling out a survey a while back.

Wednesday July 20, 2011

I got free Alpo dog food and a coupon & I also got 2 Publix coupon books!

Thursday July 21, 2011

Free pack of UP2U gum and a sample of Meguiar's Tire Gel!


  1. I love getting freebies! Just got a SOYJOY bar yesterday myself. Thanks for stopping by my blog too! I'm your newest GFC follower!

  2. Hi! I love getting mail also. I am a new follower from the Let's Get Social Sunday Hop! I would love for you to stop by to say hi & return follow!


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